Getting started

This guide overviews the components of OpenCilk and walks through the basic steps of building, running, and testing a Cilk program with OpenCilk.


OpenCilk installation

See the install page for detailed instructions on installing the latest version of OpenCilk. We assume you have installed OpenCilk as shown in this example, so that the OpenCilk files are in /opt/opencilk, and the OpenCilk C/C++ compiler can be invoked from the terminal as /opt/opencilk/bin/clang or /opt/opencilk/bin/clang++.

Example Cilk programs

Download the example Cilk codes in the OpenCilk tutorial GitHub repository and enter the cloned directory:

$ git clone
$ cd tutorial

Using the compiler

To compile a Cilk program with OpenCilk, pass the -fopencilk flag to the compiler. For example:

$ /opt/opencilk/bin/clang -fopencilk -O3 fib.c -o fib

Note: Pass the -fopencilk flag to the compiler both when compiling and linking the Cilk program. During compilation, the flag ensures that the Cilk keywords are recognized and compiled. During linking, it ensures the program is properly linked with the OpenCilk runtime library.

Former users of Intel Cilk Plus with GCC: Do not include the -lcilkrts flag when linking.

macOS users: On macOS, clang needs the standard system libraries and headers that are provided by XCode or the XCode Command Line Tools. To run the OpenCilk compiler with those libraries and headers, invoke clang with xcrun. For example:

$ xcrun /opt/opencilk/bin/clang -fopencilk -O3 fib.c -o fib

The OpenCilk compiler is based on a recent stable version of the LLVM clang compiler. In addition to OpenCilk-specific options, the OpenCilk compiler supports all flags and features of LLVM clang, including optimization-level flags, debug-information flags, and target-dependent compilation options. See the LLVM Clang documentation for more information on the command-line arguments.

Running the program on multiple cores

A Cilk program compiled with OpenCilk will automatically execute in parallel, using all available cores. For example, on a laptop with an 8-core Intel Core i7-10875H CPU:

$ ./fib 40 
fib(40) = 102334155
Time(fib) = 0.368499700 sec

To explicitly set the number of parallel Cilk workers for a program execution, set the CILK_NWORKERS environment variable. For example, to execute fib using only 2 parallel cores:

$ CILK_NWORKERS=2 ./fib 40
fib(40) = 102334155
Time(fib) = 1.459649400 sec

Using Cilksan

Use the OpenCilk Cilksan race detector to verify that your parallel Cilk program is deterministic. Cilksan instruments a program to detect determinacy race bugs at runtime. Cilksan is guaranteed to find any and all determinacy races that arise in a given program execution. If there are no races, Cilksan will report that the execution was race-free.

To check for determinacy races with Cilksan, add the -fsanitize=cilk flag during compilation and linking. We also recommend the -Og -g flags for debugging:

$ /opt/opencilk/bin/clang -fopencilk -fsanitize=cilk -Og -g nqueens.c -o nqueens

The nqueens.c code in this example contains a subtle determinacy race bug. Running the Cilksan-instrumented nqueens program produces the following output which shows us how two parallel strands attempt to read from and write to the same memory address (through variables a and b, respectively).

$ ./nqueens 12
Running Cilksan race detector.
Running ./nqueens with n = 12.
Race detected on location 7f515c3f34f6
*     Read 4994b3 nqueens /home/user/opencilk/tutorial/nqueens.c:62:3
|        `-to variable a (declared at /home/user/opencilk/tutorial/nqueens.c:48)
+     Call 499da5 nqueens /home/user/opencilk/tutorial/nqueens.c:67:29
+    Spawn 4995b3 nqueens /home/user/opencilk/tutorial/nqueens.c:67:29
|*   Write 499586 nqueens /home/user/opencilk/tutorial/nqueens.c:65:10
||       `-to variable b (declared at /home/user/opencilk/tutorial/nqueens.c:50)
\| Common calling context
 +    Call 499da5 nqueens /home/user/opencilk/tutorial/nqueens.c:67:29
 +   Spawn 4995b3 nqueens /home/user/opencilk/tutorial/nqueens.c:67:29
[...output truncated...]
   Allocation context
    Stack object b (declared at /home/user/opencilk/tutorial/nqueens.c:50)
     Alloc 499493 in nqueens /home/user/opencilk/tutorial/nqueens.c:61:16
      Call 499da5 nqueens /home/user/opencilk/tutorial/nqueens.c:67:29
     Spawn 4995b3 nqueens /home/user/opencilk/tutorial/nqueens.c:67:29
[...output truncated...]

Time(nqueens) = 2.325475944 sec
Total number of solutions : 14200

Cilksan detected 1 distinct races.
Cilksan suppressed 3479367 duplicate race reports.

Programs instrumented with Cilksan are always run serially, regardless of the number of processors that are available or specified. The instrumented program is expected to run up to several times slower than its non-instrumented serial counterpart.

macOS users: On macOS, the compiled nqueens.c binary uses builtins that Cilksan does not currently recognize. To work around this behavior, add the flag –D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0 when compiling:

$ xcrun /opt/opencilk/bin/clang -fopencilk -fsanitize=cilk -Og -g -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0 nqueens.c -o nqueens

Using Cilkscale

Use the OpenCilk Cilkscale scalability analyzer script to measure the work, span, and parallelism of your Cilk program, and to benchmark its parallel speedup on different numbers of cores.

To measure work and span with Cilkscale, add the -fcilktool=cilkscale flag during compilation and linking:

$ /opt/opencilk/bin/clang -fopencilk -fcilktool=cilkscale -O3 qsort.c -o qsort

Running the Cilkscale-instrumented program will output work, span, and parallelism measurements in CSV format at the end of the execution. For example:

$ ./qsort 10000000
Sorting 10000000 integers
All sorts succeeded
Time(sample_qsort) = 0.721748768 sec
tag,work (seconds),span (seconds),parallelism,burdened_span (seconds),burdened_parallelism

To output the Cilkscale measurements to a file, set the CILKSCALE_OUT environment variable:

$ CILKSCALE_OUT=qsort_workspan.csv ./qsort 10000000
Sorting 10000000 integers
All sorts succeeded
Time(sample_qsort) = 0.711326910 sec
$ cat qsort_workspan.csv
tag,work (seconds),span (seconds),parallelism,burdened_span (seconds),burdened_parallelism

Work-span analysis of specific program regions: By default, Cilkscale will only analyze whole-program execution. To analyze specific regions of your Cilk program, use the Cilkscale work-span API.

Example: The tutorial program qsort_wsp.c shows how to modify the code of qsort.c to measure the work and span of the core function sample_qsort(). Compiling qsort_wsp.c with Cilkscale and running the instrumented binary will output an additional row in Cilkscale's CSV table with the analysis results for sample_qsort().

Scalability benchmarking and visualization

Cilkscale also provides facilities to benchmark and plot the execution time of your program (and each analyzed region) on different numbers of processors.

First, build your program twice, once with -fcilktool=cilkscale and once with -fcilktool=cilkscale-benchmark:

$ /opt/opencilk/bin/clang -fopencilk -fcilktool=cilkscale -O3 qsort_wsp.c -o qsort_wsp
$ /opt/opencilk/bin/clang -fopencilk -fcilktool=cilkscale-benchmark -O3 qsort_wsp.c -o qsort_wsp_bench

Then, run the program with the Cilkscale benchmarking and visualizer Python script, which is found at share/Cilkscale_vis/ within the OpenCilk installation directory. For example:

$ python3 /opt/opencilk/share/Cilkscale_vis/ -c ./qsort_wsp -b ./qsort_wsp_bench --args 10000000
Namespace(args=['10000000'], cilkscale='./qsort_wsp', cilkscale_benchmark='./qsort_wsp_bench',
cpu_counts=None, output_csv='out.csv', output_plot='plot.pdf', rows_to_plot='all')

>> STDOUT (./qsort_wsp 10000000)
Sorting 10000000 integers
All sorts succeeded
Time(sample_qsort) = 0.713108289 sec

>> STDERR (./qsort_wsp 10000000)

INFO:runner:Generating scalability data for 8 cpus.
INFO:runner:CILK_NWORKERS=1 taskset -c 0 ./qsort_wsp_bench 10000000
INFO:runner:CILK_NWORKERS=2 taskset -c 0,2 ./qsort_wsp_bench 10000000
INFO:runner:CILK_NWORKERS=3 taskset -c 0,2,4 ./qsort_wsp_bench 10000000
INFO:runner:CILK_NWORKERS=4 taskset -c 0,2,4,6 ./qsort_wsp_bench 10000000
INFO:runner:CILK_NWORKERS=5 taskset -c 0,2,4,6,8 ./qsort_wsp_bench 10000000
INFO:runner:CILK_NWORKERS=6 taskset -c 0,2,4,6,8,10 ./qsort_wsp_bench 10000000
INFO:runner:CILK_NWORKERS=7 taskset -c 0,2,4,6,8,10,12 ./qsort_wsp_bench 10000000
INFO:runner:CILK_NWORKERS=8 taskset -c 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14 ./qsort_wsp_bench 10000000
INFO:plotter:Generating plot

Running the script as above does the following:

  1. Measures the work, span, and parallelism of qsort_wsp with argument 10000000.
  2. Runs and times the program with 1, 2, ..., P parallel Cilk workers, where P is the number of available physical cores (in this case, P=8)
  3. Outputs the analysis and benchmarking results as a CSV table (out.csv) and as plots in a PDF document (plot.pdf).

For more information on the Cilkscale scalability analysis and visualization script, see the Cilkscale documentation page.